Family Resource Center

Family Resource Center coming to Goldendale

WAGAP and TNDI team up in support of families in Klickitat County

Goldendale, WA (January 25, 2023) - Stabilizing families to prevent child abuse and future houselessness is a primary goal of the new Family Resource Center being developed in Goldendale by Washington Gorge Action Programs (WAGAP) in partnership with The Next Door, Inc. (TNDI).

The new center is part of a capacity-building grant program awarded to the partners through the Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF). The effort targets families previously enrolled in the emergency Turning Point Rapid Rehousing program but is open to all low-income families in Klickitat County.

“Part of stabilizing families is to continue comprehensive services after they are housed, to increase self-sufficiency and prevent another stint of houselessness,” said Jennifer Pauletto, associate director for WAGAP. “We will utilize this grant to focus in particular on youth and families to help reduce the stress and uncertainty associated with feeling unable to meet basic needs.”

The resource center will provide opportunities such as one-on-one skills training, connections to a wider range of services, and free group parenting classes. It will also include access to essential needs items like diapers, toiletries, laundry supplies, etc. Capacity-building efforts include expanding TNDI’s Gorge Youth Mentoring program in Klickitat County. The center will help children and teens to increase their self-esteem and social skills, improve school attendance and performance, and reduce substance misuse and delinquency. 

Pauletto said focusing on the bond between parents and children is also a part of any family’s success. The center will make referrals to training sessions, such as Guiding Good Choices facilitated by the Coalition for Preventing Abuse in Klickitat County (CPAKC). This five-week series helps to bridge communication between caregivers and youth ages 9-14 to improve their connections and help reduce depression rates among teens. The next series begins February 21, 2023, and caregivers can register by contacting CPAKC at 509-281-2330 or emailing

A Family Resource Coordinator will initially operate from WAGAP’s Housing office located at 150 West Main Street in Goldendale as WAGAP looks for a permanent location. A Youth Outreach Worker from TNDI will work from Columbia High School in White Salmon. Together, they will provide services county-wide by reaching out to youth and families through schools, community organizations, and Community Health Workers and holding virtual sessions when needed.

“Our Youth Outreach Workers add supportive intervention for students and families who might need help navigating resources or other challenges,” said Heather Howard, the youth services program manager at TNDI. “They can provide emotional support and help complete applications for resources, employment, or housing. They will also provide academic support and work to identify student success goals.” 

The grant runs through September 2023, and the partners are working hard to build the capacity to continue this work beyond that period. In addition to seeking future grant funding, the partners are encouraging community members and organizations to participate in the Gorge Youth Mentoring program and local prevention coalitions such as CPAKC, the Klickitat Community Link Project (K-Link), Our Klickitat Prevention Coalition, and Klickitat-Lyle Against Substance Abuse Coalition (KLASAC). These coalitions support building strong relationships between youth and parents or caregivers. 

To learn more about the new Family Resource Center, call the Goldendale Housing Office at 509-773-6834.