Empowering Youth: Nurturing Healthy Relationships and Building Resilient Communities.
WAGAP partners with local community organizations that are focused on supporting youth. Their work centers around creating positive teen culture, safe spaces, community education, and reducing youth access to substances throughout Klickitat County.
The Columbia River Gorge is impacted by a nationwide increase in opioid, drug, and alcohol misuse. WAGAP’s partner organizations join with other state and federal resources to support to youth and families.
We understand that most youth in our county are not misusing drugs and alcohol, however, data shows young people are dealing with depression at historic rates. In 2021, over 24% of 10th graders in Klickitat County reported seriously considering attempting suicide in the past year. Youth who experience depression, anxiety, and adverse conditions are more likely to experiment with drugs and alcohol at younger ages and are at higher risk for substance misuse, highlighting the importance of this work in Klickitat County. Washington students participate in the Healthy Youth Survey every two years, and the results provide insights into youth behaviors and perceptions.
Local people and organizations contribute to these efforts across the region. Volunteers include youth, parents, schools, youth-serving organizations, businesses, media, law enforcement, religious organizations, civic organizations, healthcare professionals, local, state, Tribal governments, and more. Click the links below to learn more.
Get Involved! We can’t do this work without you, our community. Reach out to one of the folks below to support this work in your community.
Contact Community Prevention
Call the WAGAP Main Office:
(509) 493-2662
Toll Free: (800) 755-1192
(established in 2016)
In 2018, awarded its first Drug Free Communities grant managed by WAGAP. Received its second 5-year award in 2023. Operates county-wide and amplifies the messaging and programs of local coalitions in coordination with many partners.
CPAKC Coalition Preventing Abuse in Klickitat County
(established in 2005)
In 2019, awarded its first Community Prevention and Wellness Initiative grant managed by WAGAP. Operates in the Greater Goldendale Area with a focus on opioid use prevention.
cpakc.org | cpakc.wa@gmail.com | 509-281-2330
KLASAC - Klickitat-Lyle Against Substance Abuse Coalition
(established in 2013)
Awarded successive Community Prevention and Wellness Initiative grants managed by ESD-112. Operates in the communities of Klickitat and Lyle with a focus on community connectedness.
klasac.org| klasaccoalition@gmail.com |
K-Link - Klickitat Community Link Project
(established in 2019)
In 2021, awarded the Community Prevention and Wellness Initiative grant managed by WAGAP. Operates in the White Salmon Valley School District, serving local communities, including those in Eastern Skamania County.
klickitatcollaboration.org/general-8 | kristen@wagap.org | 509-493-2662
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