Posts in Uncategorized
Childcare funding

When starting any new childcare business, individuals may feel overwhelmed by regulatory hurdles and the cost of startup expenses. Klickitat County Childcare Committee can help connect people with local resources to make it possible to open an at-home business.

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Donors needed

The call for donors is starting early this year to meet the demand for the Tree of Joy holiday gift project in Klickitat and Skamania counties.

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Energy Assistance

WAGAP staff will hold in-person visits to local senior meal sites to help seniors apply for assistance with energy, water, and weatherization needs in October and November. Senior Services staff will also help seniors with PUD and water discounts at the same time.

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Crisis support

Domestic violence affects millions of people each year and has far-reaching consequences that directly affect the survivor and their family members. You can be connected with personal advocacy assistance, support groups, and online counseling services by calling the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.

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Expanding Service

Washington Gorge Action Programs (WAGAP) will expand operations of a new Mobile Food Bank into Skamania County in October in addition to routes in Klickitat County.

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Block Grant match

In a unique turn of events, the Washington State Community Action Partnership secured $7.3 million of state funding in 2022 as a match to federal Community Service Block Grant (CSBG) funding. This funding helps Washington State’s 30 Community Action Agencies to stabilize and equip families and individuals to exit poverty for good through a network of local organizations.

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El Grito

A new fiesta, El Grito, will kick off Hispanic Heritage Month on the Washington side of the Gorge on Sunday, September 18, from 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. at Rhinegarten Park in White Salmon. Admission is free, and the event is open to all.

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Childcare Options

“Over the past few months, several new developments have taken place that positively impacts KCCC’s work to add to the capacity of childcare options in the region,” said Leslie Naramore, executive director for Washington Gorge Action Programs.

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Mobile Food Bank

WAGAP will begin operations of a new Mobile Food Bank in Klickitat County in September, with plans to expand to Skamania County in October. Read more for information on the initial route.

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Believe in Local

WAGAP received a surprise $25,000 donation from First Interstate Bank, and bank officials received an impromptu tour of operations. The funds are part of the bank’s Believe in Local campaign and will support a new Mobile Food Bank set to launch in September.

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Living Undocumented - Part 2

In Part 2 of a 3-part series, Patty Gallardo shares more about her experiences. Life was a struggle, even though she had lived in the States since she was eight. She had not finished high school, had difficulty learning English and worked under the table because she did not have a social security number.

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